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File Info

FileName: FPTask_PossessPawn.h


Parent Classes: [ UFlowPilotTask ]

Posses Pawn:

  • Spawns a Controller and Possesses a Pawn
  • Can Possess multiple Pawns at the same time using a shared GameplayTag 🏷️


// Pawns to Possess
// if possessed by Player, will only search for 1 Pawn.
// if possessed by AI Controller, will search for multiple Pawns.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot")
FFlowActorReference PawnsToPossess;
// If true, the Player will posses the Pawn
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot")
bool bPossessByPlayer = false;
// Player Controller Index, in single player games this is usually 0.
// for more complex cases, this could be parameterized
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot", meta=(EditCondition="bPossessByPlayer", EditConditionHides))
int32 PlayerIndex = 0;
// AI Controller class to posses Pawn with
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot", meta=(EditCondition="!bPossessByPlayer", EditConditionHides))
TSubclassOf<AController> ControllerClass;