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Fixing The Demo Level

What a bummer! FlowPilot’s own Demo map doesn’t even work out of the box!

I know, I know, let’s fix that together, I promise it’s on purpose.

Less Talking More Fixing

  1. Open FlowPilot_DemoLevel if you haven’t already

  2. Find FlowPilotActor in the Outliner, then FlowPilot Component and finally Flow Pilot Asset

  3. Open FP_DemoLevel_Main and find and select Spawn Player Task.

  4. In the Task Details panel, select your own Blueprint Character in Spawn Class property.

  5. In Tree View Panel, Select Posses Player, and double check that Pawn to Posses is set to Runtime and that the tag matches the tag you setup from Step 4.

  6. Now we can save the asset, and edit our GameMode so we don’t automatically spawn a default Pawn from it. We can just select None here. We handle it in FlowPilot.

  7. Press Play! You are done!

Wrapping Up

Hope you liked this small introduction to what FlowPilot can do. Enjoy!