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File Info

FileName: FPTask_ScreenFade.h


FadeInFade From Transparency to Color
FadeOutFade From Color to Transparency


Parent Classes: [ UFlowPilotTask ]


  • Allows Starting at a particular screen color
  • Allows Fading towards another color over time
  • Allows Fading Audio in Sync
  • Options to keep Fade at the end of the transition


// Player camera index, usually 0 for first/single player
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot")
uint8 PlayerCameraIndex = 0;
// FadeType controls if you want to go from Transparent to Color (FadeIn), or inverse (FadeOut)
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot")
EFPFadeType FadeType = EFPFadeType::FadeIn;
// Color to Fade Screen/Camera to.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot")
FLinearColor FadeColor = FLinearColor::Black;
// Fade Duration
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot", meta=(ForceUnits="s"))
float FadeDuration = 1.0f;
// Option to sync audio with the fade
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot")
bool bSyncAudioFade = true;
// Option to hold the fade when complete (true) or reset (false)
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="FlowPilot")
bool bHoldFadeWhenComplete = true;